Friday, August 28, 2015

I completed the Transforming Instruction: Why Tech? course.  I really liked the course, in particular the first chunk about the growth mindset.  The need to instill hardwork and persistence in our students has always been recognized, but the TEDtalk video was great.  The video really distilled why it is important to teach the idea that hardwork leads to learning.  It made me think of the value of looking at pre and post tests with students so that they can see the learning that happened because of their effort over time.  The idea about praising process and effort was also a helpful reminder to me as well.

1 comment:

  1. I too want to explore the Growth Mindset more. I can see how the difference in this mindset makes a difference in what students believe they can do. In fact, it makes a difference in what teachers think they can do. :)
